Permanent visa for foreigner who has worked as permanent staff of a multinational company headquarters (SEM):

This visa permit can be requested by foreign personnel who have ceased to work for any Multinational Company Headquarters once five years have passed from the approval of the Permanent Staff Visa for Multinational Company Headquarters.

The requirements for applying for permanent residence are as follows:

  1. Powers of attorney and forms that we will provide for your signature.
  2. Five (5) passport-sized photographs.
  3. Copy of your passport's complete pages with a minimum validity of three months.
  4. Certificate of good health issued by a doctor in Panama.
  5. Payment of B/.250.00 to the National Treasury for the right to migratory category. (Certified check)
  6. Proof of investment in the national territory, which will be demonstrated by presenting at least one (1) of the following requirements:
    1. Bank certification that the applicant has opened a fixed-term deposit account in their name, with a minimum duration of three (3) years (the fixed term must be free of any encumbrance) in any general licensed bank in the national territory, for a minimum value of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Balboas (B/.150,000.00), or its equivalent in foreign currency. This certification must be accompanied by a copy of the fixed-term certificate authenticated by the respective bank.
    2. Certification from the Public Registry of Panama proving ownership of real estate, personally titled to the applicant with a minimum value of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Balboas (B/.150,000.00) free of encumbrances.
    3. The applicant may also demonstrate a mixed investment, derived from obtaining a fixed-term deposit and the purchase of real estate, provided that this investment has a minimum value of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Balboas (B/.150,000.00).
  7. Letter of employment and responsibility from the SEM company signed by the legal representative or person authorized for this purpose. The letter should include the position held, the duration of employment with the company, confirmation that the employment relationship has ended, salary, and the duties performed.
  8. Certification issued by the Technical Secretariat of the Multinational Company Headquarters Licensing Commission.


  1. If the applicant has worked for several companies with a Multinational Company Headquarters License, to prove the total minimum required time of five (5) years, they may submit:
  • Copy of the card(s) or resolutions issued by the National Migration Service approving the Permanent SEM Staff Visa.
  • Letter(s) from the company(s) for which they previously worked, containing the information described above.
  • Sworn Declaration before a Notary Public indicating the applicant's particulars, the position or role held, the exact time worked, and the salary earned at each of the company(s) with a Multinational Company Headquarters License.
  1. If the Visa application includes dependents, they must also comply with the requirements established for the Dependent Visa of Permanent Staff SEM.

Completing this assessment does not guarantee that you will be able to successfully immigrate. The information provided does not constitute legal advice.
*The information contained on these pages is for general use only and is not a substitute for speaking to an immigration attorney and should not be relied upon as case specific advice in any form whatsoever. It does not constitute formal legal advice or give rise to any lawyer-client relationship. Panama Immigration Specialists disclaims all liability resulting from reliance upon this general information. We recommend you consult with immigration lawyers directly to receive the most up-to-date information and advice.